Monday, October 10, 2011

Task 1: Footprint Calculator

WWF (World Wildlife Fund) offers you a simple way to assess your impact on the environment. It is fast and it can give you a new perspective on your acts and ideas for the future.

To use it, click on this link and follow the instructions. 

Then, leave your feedback here, in the "Comments". Tell us about the result and whether you were surprised with it.


  1. hi!!! Well, I think it could have been worse ...
    My footprint is 1.84 planets and my carbon footprint, WHICH IS 6:47 tonnes per annum.
    I promise i'm gonna try to reduce my footprint, but I know that is a bit difficult but I can try turning off lights when i'm not using them as well as other electrical appliances.

    carolina f.

  2. hi!!I did the quiz it could be worse,so my footprint is 2.42 planets and my carbon footprint is 10.17 tonnes per annum.
    i'm gonna try to reduce my footprint, I will reduce some of my habits I promise.
    I'm disappointed with my result.
    oh my god we gonna die if i still need 2.42 planets, sorry people I will try change my habits. :)

  3. Hey friends!! I made de quiz and my results were:
    "Your footprint is
    2.48 planets

    * food 21%
    * travel 27%
    * Home 23%
    * stuff 29%
    We've also calculated your carbon footprint, which is 9.81 tonnes per annum"

    My new goal is to reduce my impact in the planet! Hope you all do the same.

  4. Hi! My results of this quis are:
    Footprint: 2,13 planets
    Food: 22%
    Travel: 19%
    Home: 17%
    Stuff: 42%
    Carbon footprint: 7,87 tonnes per annum
    I made everything that I can do to save our planet but even so my carbon footprint is 2, 13 planets. I will continue to preserve our planet and get better and better.

  5. Hi! My result of the footprint is 2.39 planets and my carbon footprint is 10.20 tunnes per annum.
    Food: 23%
    So I confess i am a little a surprised at the result, however I could see that i have to do something to help my planet.
    I promisse change some of my attitudes to help our planet.

  6. You're living as if we had 2.24 planets to support us but we only have one. I have always thought I made a good contribuition to our wolrd environment, nevertheless, it seams as if I still behave a little bad. I can't help it, but I must travel by bus to school everyday, if I had the chance I would travel by bike, or on foot. I must say that I got a little disapointed by the result. I will try to do my best by continuing to improve our planet.

  7. In my opinion, my result about the quiz it was not so bad, but can be better, i hope eheh. My footprint it was 1.99 planets (that is impossible to exist).
    Food: 30%
    Travel: 11%
    Home: 20%
    Stuff: 39%
    Maybe i have to improve my ways to save the world and the enviroment
