Thursday, November 3, 2011

Task 3 - 7 Billion

Watch the video 7 Billion by National Geographic. After carefully thinking about it, to write a comment on it.


  1. Carolina Fernandes.

    The video makes us thinking... now that i saw it , i'm afraid! o:

    The world population growth will lead to the planet reaching a point that will not be able to deal with this same population growth, and so we'll have much more issues as the resources tend to diminish, the food tend to get scarce and people will die. People will need more space and there will be fewer trees. The cutting of trees will lead to less oxygen there.
    More people will own cars, and the more cars there are, the more carbon dioxide is produced.

  2. when i saw the video for the first time i was a litle surprised and it made me think...
    i already knew the number of people that our world had but never thought that one day won´t be sufficient space for all of us.
    Is incredible how our population has increased so fast in a few years. If already are people dying, now with the amount of population that we have, more people will die, the food and water won´t be sufficient for all.
    As the video show us there will be more people living in urban cities wich is bad for environment, will be more co2 as result of people driving cars, etc.
    To finish, the video alert us too that in 2050 will be 9 bilions of people in a small world for all of us, so what are u waiting for? Go now reserve your own place! :)

  3. the video shows that every day there are more people living in this world, shows the evolution of the number of people over the years and shows us predictions for the future ... it tells us that we must protect our planet, because it is our home, and as such we take care of it, avoiding certain things ... i was very surprised with this video and i and never thought the population would evolve so much in so little time

  4. Hi everybody! 
    I’m surprised with this video!! :o
    In 211 years, world population increased 6 billions! Is incredible!!! About every second 5 people are born and 2 people are die, just in a second!!
    Due to the improvement of basic living conditions (sanitation, etc.) the average life expectancy, in 50 years, increased 17 years. In 36 years, we went from 3 to 21 megacities – many people changed the urban areas to cities. More and more, cities are growing up!
    The Earth planet don’t have more space and more capacity to more people!
    This video show us very well the population development. I know that has very people in our planet, but I unknown this statistics! It is incredible!!
    I like very much this documentary!

  5. This video made me think about a great many things. Things that I have never considered before. It shows us that the earth population is increasing rappidly. But I was suprised to see that we don't take as much space as I thought. The video alarts us to the fact that we consume much more than we need. We must start reducing the consuption of natural resourses.

  6. Hello friends!
    To start i would like to say that i really liked this video, it is a nice video, very synthesized.
    About the information on the video I think that we all share the same opinion. The population is rising in a huge rhythm, it has increased too much! Such as average life expectancy and megacities.
    It's incredible the number of people that born and die in seconds!! It makes us feel real small in this whole story.
    It is a good video and it makes as think about the way we act, and the way our planet is developing.

  7. Hello.
    In my opinion i think this video is very well done.
    The content that is in video is very usefull because it help show us a lot that we didn't know.
    In the video we can see how fast population is rising , but that's not all ,this video show us more , it show us that it's not about space but it's more about resources , food , water ...
    Other thing that i'm worried about , is the emissions that will be released to atmosphere , if today we must be careful about that , in the future i don't know how is gonna to be
    Well left me wait see .

    Guilherme Calhau

  8. In my opinion, planet could support we all (7 billion) and even more those that will come after us if we are conscious and do what is necessary to prevent environmental threats. Also isto very important that developed countries help the others where the population tends to increase to solve their problemas, like property and giving them conditions to come to other countries where population tends to diminish and have a better condition of life.

  9. Hello friends.
    This is my opinion the video.

    We can see in this video the rapid population growth and big.
    I confess to be surprised with this numbers, with this numbers there are serious problems in various aspects. In 1800 the world’s population was 1 billion and in 2011 are 7 billion this growth will change space in the cities increasing the urban areas and earth not space we need.
    There will be an increase in energy consumption, there will be not potable water for wall and hygiene care will decrease because there is not sanitation for wall and there will be not food for the all population and there will be a lot more pollution in the world.
    These facts are worrying and with this growth the Earth will not be able to support the all population.
    Bye, good weekend for all.

  10. I really enjoyed the video. from my point of view I think this video is very important because it alerts us to the world's population growth and lack of resources. humans today do not think about the consequences of their actions. I have a relatively good life and the essential resources and often do not think that there are millions of people who lack them. the worldwide mutually populaçaoçao grows every day in a brutal manner.
    I hope that the world become aware of our situation.

  11. hello!
    When I saw this video I was shocked. oh my god 7 billion people pollute the earth.
    I got a little scared because so many people contributed to the end of the planet, so many people spend so much electricity and constantly pollute the earth with their wastes.
    unless we create better habits, we will end up destroying the earth. Please let reduce our ecological footprint ,so we can live longer without fear that one day our planet might end.
