Saturday, December 17, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Francisco Matos: Our work is about recyclable art.
Daniela: Our work is aimed at sensitizing the school community to recycle as a way of getting funny and useful objects and helping the environment.
Vera: In this work we used cardboard boxes and cardboard as a way of drawing the attention of students to collaborate with us, calling the attention and asking them to put used water bottles, juice and cookie packets and in boxes placed in different places of the school.
Maria João: We also took advantage of the English recycling task, using the materials we had separated at home.
Sara Amaro: In the video we show how our work was prepared and the amount of recycled objects we created.
Francisco Matos: These are some examples of recycled art, where we can see than we can do many things with recycled materials.
Vera: Here are some examples of recycled art objects that we made using recycled materials.
Daniela: We hope you enjoyed our work.
Sara Amaro: And don’t forget: recycle and help the planet!
Daniela Ramalhete, Maria João, Francisco Matos, Vera Pereira, Sara Amaro
Monday, December 12, 2011
Group Work
Presentation of work (Sara)
Our work is about waste of water in our school. Our work is based on measuring the amount of water pour a tap on a bathroom, a survey conducted by us and the visit to the cistern 2 of our ETAR.
it's amazing the amount of water that a public building, in this case a school, spend! We made a survey a population of 43 students of our school! The school spend much water but it has some solutions, like we gonna see later.
By caretaker of our school we could visit cistern 2 of our ETAR. It’s amazing a complexity the ETAR! With this visit we discovery that our school have too a hole, one perforation to remove water in underground.
Now, we gonna see a short video made by us – this video is a presentation of our work. Later, rita will talk about our ETAR and Linda and Mafalda will talk about the results of surveys.
We hope you enjoy and make sensitized for this important issue of our day: save water!
ETAR (Rita)
There is a system of treatment and reuse of water f or units 1, 2, 3 and 4 constituted by a set of elements destined to collect water from rain and residual water (sinks and showers) wich uses two wells pumping, located between units 2 and 3, to lead the water for storage in cistern 1.
These waters are conducted to a treatment station in order to be deposited in the cistern 2. From the cistern 2 these waters are conducted to the reuse system of water for toilets and urinals and to the firefighting system.
Surveys (Linda and Mafalda)
1. As we can see fifty-two percent of the interviewed say that they turn on the tap to the end, which is the equivalent of twenty-two people. Forty-eight percent say that they turn on the tap halfway, which is the equivalent of twenty-one people. We conclude that the majority of the interviewed are unaware of the water that is being wasted.
2. We found that fourteen percent of the interviewed play with water troughs in the summer, which is the equivalent of six people. Eighty-six percent do not play with water, equivalent of thirty-seven people. We can conclude that the majority of the interviewed are concerned with the, unnecessary, waste of water.
3. About the existence of the ETAR, fifty-one percent are aware of their existence (twenty two people). And twenty-one people are unaware of the existence of an ETAR at school, equals forty-nine percent of the interviewed.
4. Thirty-eight percent of the interviewed (sixteen people) said that they turned on the shower tap twice. Twenty-four percent (ten people) said that they turned on the tap four times in the shower.
5. Regarding the purchase of bottled water per week at school. Sixty-seven percent affirmed that they usually buy water (twenty-nine people) and sixty-seven percent affirmed that they do not buy it (twenty-nine people).
From the ones who answered that they usually buy water, sixty-six percent (nineteen people) buy every week a bottle of water, ten percent (three people) buy two bottles, seventeen percent (five people) buy three bottles, and seven percent (two people) buy four bottles.
To conclude we can say that there are still many people buying bottled water, when they can simply drink tap water, because it is perfectly safe.
English group work
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Anjali Appadurai, UN Climate Change Conference
Thursday, December 1, 2011
"The beginning of the end of AIDS starts with you"
Monday, November 28, 2011
My recycling week was very interesting. With this experience I saw that it costs you nothing to put your recyclable garbage in the correct ecopoint recycling container, because in this way we help to prevent many environmental problems that lead to the destruction of our planet And if many thought like me, we would live on a healthier planet. Altogether I got a total of 6kg of recyclable garbage this week. I'm satisfied with the amount of packaging which can be recycled, so I think the experience was worth it!

Saturday, November 26, 2011
Hello everyone!
Friday, November 25, 2011
The kilos of garbage was counted 14kg then again a lot of garbage.
Well by analyzing the amounts of garbage and thinking on a planetary scale can be seen the influence that recycling is not for the pollution of the planet.
A little help from each can be a great help to the planet.
This is my work about Recycling.
During a week i had a new experience...Recycling!!!
During this week i talked with my family and we decide recycle.
In this video you can see the quantity of garbage that we did in one week.
I have to say that we don´t have the habit of recycle, this was the first time that we did it, but all of us know the importance of recycle. It helps our planet to have less pollution and be a healthier planet.
I liked this experience because i learnt where put the plastic, the glass, and the paper in respective boxes.
All of us should recycle! It´s so easy and a simples action helps our planet!
Don´t you want have a new and beautifull planet???
So don´t wait,
You can do the difference!!!
Task 4 - Recycling Experiment
I separated it into four diferent species, plastic, glass, paper and organic waste
plastic: milks, juice, yogurts, plastic, etc (4.6 kg)
glass: wine bottle, beer, flask, etc (5.1 kg)
paper: cereals, packet of cigarettes, pill box, etc (3.3 kg)
here are some images

To finish I would just like to say that if we all contributed we could make the world a better place :)
Task 4
Right, here i show you that what i could recylce during a week. I Know that is a bad recycle because it can be more, but i never in my life, me and my family, had the habit of recycling. During this week i forgot sometimes to put the garbage on the right place, sometimes i put on my garbage can. In first picture, we can see the papers and the the cards too, ohhh and my swetty cat!! In the second picture, we can see both, the cards and papers, and the plastic. In the third picture we see da plastic. Lack glass, but in fact i didn't ''produced'' glass like i thought, so, neither on glass :(( SORRY GLASS! (he will kill me)
I didn't weighed the trash because my balance don't works, and i don't know the percentage about my recycling during a week, but i can tell you that made a good difference here in my home.
We all know that is importante use recycled materials that day, these will improve the results of pollution in Planet, is obvious that don't is just this measure that will change our Planet but is one of many that can make a difference.
This week it was a week about recycle in my house and i hope that i can improve my way of protecting th environment!!
Recycling experiment
- In my house during a week my family and I had a new experience, recycling the garbage.
- Since Wednesday (16/11/2011) to Wednesday (23/11/2011) we recycle the garbage. After one week we can watch the quantity garbage of we can recycle, is the big quantity the garbage we can recycle and didn’t before.
- With this experience I realized a quantity the garbage that can recycle and we don’t do. The result that obtained is 8 Kg of glass, 2 kg of paper and 4 kg of plastic, the facts is a big quantity the garbage that we can recycle.
- With this experience I realized the quantity the garbage that I can recycle to help our planet. Through a simples gesture we can help our planet to be a planet greener and healthier.
- This is the experience interesting and we can realize that we can help our planet and we don’t do.
- Was a new experience that should be then forward so that we can have a beautiful planet.
Recycling Experiment . daniela sofia

Recycling is very important because with it we are helping our planet and reduce the pollution on our planet.
With this project , in my house, in a week i joined about a third of recyclables. I think it's good because at home we do not have much in the habit of recycling. It's a small gesture that can help our planet. And in addition to more, recycling is so easy: just put paper or cardboard boxes in blue ecopoint , glass in the green , and packaging, cans, bottles plastic and bags in the yellow ecopoint .
do as I, recycle and help the planet!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Back to the start
Monday, November 14, 2011
Task 4 Recycling experiment
Recycling Guide UK
Sociedade Ponto Verde
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Our planet seen from the International Space Station
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Ozone Friendly - Levi Tafari
Saturday, November 5, 2011
A Match Made in Heaven
Friday, November 4, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Task 3 - 7 Billion
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Levi Tafari - Weather Rapport
Monday, October 31, 2011
7 Billion
Saturday, October 29, 2011
River Mondego
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
Generation Awake
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Task 2 - Environment poetry video
- Animoto
- PhotoPeach
- PictureTrail
- Microsoft Movie Maker
- Microsoft Photostory
- Slideshare
Monday, October 17, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Emanu´s Footsprint
Monday, October 10, 2011
Change the World in 5 Minutes
Task 1: Footprint Calculator
Thursday, October 6, 2011
resume of the documentary by Emanuel Brás
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
The other day we start seeing a documentary about the planet Earth, and I really enjoyed it. It had lots of beautiful sights and it transmitted to us the importance of preservating the natural resources. It also showed us the evolution of the planet over the years, and it sensitized us to worry more about the planet.
Tradução de Português para Inglês
Documentary (04.10.2011)
Commentary on the documentary "Home"
The documentary shows the story of our planet Earth, since the beginnings to present days. Show us how life began in this planet and how it was developing to our days.
We saw this documentary to part where show the big cities like New York.
Man began to threaten Earth with agriculture. After, with discovery of fire, petrol, with formation of cities, with appearance of trade, with the construction of the big buildings, with excessive hunting, etc.
In the beginning, the man belongs to Earth. Actually, the Earth belongs to man.
I’m really enjoying watching this documentary because I love seeing these types of programs and because I’m very interested in such issues.